What we offer Children |
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Quality Independence Ltd can provide an occupational therapy assessment for any child, whatever their level of difficulty or ability. Your child may have a mild difficulty that is impacting on their ability to complete everyday tasks, or they may have a complex disability that is preventing all independent activity. Problems that children may experience include: dressing, washing, holding toys or other objects, writing, using a computer, playing games, riding a bike, using scissors or other tools, and many more daily activities. Quality Independence can offer an assessment tailored to your child's needs and provide you with detailed advice and a full written report (which could be submitted to your Local Educational Needs Panel). You can also choose to book occupational therapy treatment sessions. For some children supportive equipment or home adaptations may also be advisable and Quality Independence will be able to assess for and enable provision of these too.
AssessmentOne of Quality Independence Ltd's Children's Occupational Therapists will arrange to complete a full and thorough OT assessment of your child either at your home, their school or nursery. This can include their:
The occupational therapist will use a variety of standardised and observational assessment tools as part of this assessment. The assessment may need to take place both at home and at school in order to establish a true understanding of your child's abilities. To request an assessment application form and price list, or to contact us for further information - Click here. Treatment
Occupational Therapy is frequently requested to help develop the following skills:
Carolyn is able to asses for, make and fit hand splints if your child needs these as part of treatment. We are also able to carry out treatment sessions which have been identified in your child's Statement of Educational Needs. Your Local Education Authority may consider funding these in some circumstances.