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Friday, 14 February 2025

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Can Quality Independence OT help you? PDF Print E-mail

Do you have difficulty with any of the following actions: Standing up from your chair, getting in or out of your bath or shower, getting in or out of your bed, climbing the stairs, getting into your home or garden, washing, dressing, cooking, eating or drinking? A Quality Independence Ltd occupational therapist can enable you be more independent in all of these and many other activities.


One of Quality Independence's Occupational Therapists will come to your home to complete a full OT assessment of your abilities. This assessment will include discussing your own abilities and difficulties, and asking you to demonstrate some of the activities that you find hard i.e. getting up from you chair, going up the stairs, putting your socks on etc. The Occupational Therapist may also complete further assessments in order to fully understand your problem.

Assessments will usually cover:

  • Your own ability to move, including your co-ordination, balance and stability skills
  • The movement, dexterity, manipulation skills, and strength of your hands (Fine Motor Skills)
  • How your brain interprets what you can see (Visual Perception)
  • How you sit, and whether improving you seated position will reduce pain, increase comfort or help you to achieve greater independence
  • The techniques that you or other people use to assist your movements; for example standing from your chair, moving from a wheelchair to another seat or the bed, or getting in or out of the bath. (Manual Handling Methods)
  • Other issues that may be contributing to your problems for example your home environment, or your memory skills

The Occupational Therapist may observe you completing an everyday activity or they may use standardised assessment tests to identify why you have difficulties, and the best way to help you.

To request an assessment application form and price list, or to contact us for further information - Click here.



Will treatment help?

Quality Independence specialises in the treatment of physical difficulties which are causing a lack of independence. Treatment can lead to an improvement in your own physical abilities, but may depend on you learning new techniques and methods to complete a task under the guidance of the occupational therapist.

If you are experiencing a long term condition like Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, Motor Neurone Disease, the effects of a Cerebral Vascular Accident (Stroke) or Arthritis or have had an accident or illness that has lead to a reduction in your independence then the OT may be able to hep you improve, regain or retain your independence skills.

If you have not had occupational therapy before, or have been discharged from you local service before achieving your full potential, Carolyn will be happy to discuss your needs with you and arrange an initial appointment with the most suitable therapist.

Please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it for prices and more information.

Will Equipment Help You?

There is a wide range of special or adaptive equipment available to help you retain or regain your independence. Specialist equipment has been designed to assist in all aspects of daily living including bathing, dressing, cooking, moving and completing leisure activities. A Quality Independence Occupational Therapist can assess the activity that you are finding difficult and identify the most suitable equipment for your needs. In most instances it will be possible to arrange for you to try the equipment before you purchase it.




Do you need to modify your own Home?

Most homes were not built to make life easier for people who have reduced movement, or who experience pain. Many homes have steps at the front door, curved stairways, small bathrooms and standard fixtures (like stiff or ungripable taps and low plugs).

There are many ways to change a home so that it works with you, rather than against you. The Occupational Therapist will identify individual modifications that fit with your home's style or decor, and which will not only meet your immediate needs but will provide you with a long term solution. Carolyn and Caroline are particularly skilled at finding solutions which are homely, rather than medical in appearance.

Some home adaptations are quite small, for example installation of an extra banister, a rail, or a half step. Others involve redesign of the entire building, for example to enable full wheelchair access within a property.

If you decide to progress with a large or small modification to your home we can give advice to your own builder or architect or, if your prefer, arrange for the work to be completed for you by workmen we recommend.

"Thanks for all the help & advice you have given us this year, it is
very much appreciated!" Ms O - Harlow

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